Sunday, February 20, 2011

God's Love

I’ve recently been praying for clear direction on God’s plan on some things, and praying my desires and plans would be removed.   Through this time, I admit I’ve questioned how to discern the Lord’s presence or leading in my life.  I don’t know if I can even put into words what I mean by that…but let me share a story of how God answered these prayers in a big way…

Some of my friends call me “Martha” because I LOVE being domestic, especially cooking and baking!  I knew going into my job, that for the year I wouldn’t have a kitchen to cook or bake.   There is a toaster, microwave, and toaster oven in the cafeteria that residents (and us interns) can use.  I’m amazed at some creations people have used the toaster oven for, and really wanted to try to learn.  However, I kind of forgot about the toaster oven and wanting to bake in it, mainly because on an interns income (or lack thereof) buying a toaster oven pan was not a higher priority than necessities like shampoo.  So, I’m learning to be content, and grateful for the cafeteria food.   However, I’ve been having a REALLY HARD time lately not being able to cook or bake.  I find myself longing for a kitchen! 

Well, last weekend my cousin wanted to take me and my 2nd cousin’s girlfriend shopping.  We went to a mall with Crate and Barrel, my favorite store!  I know Crate and Barrel is at this mall, but didn’t think anything about it….until we were near the store and I just sensed I needed to go in. 

Now, let me take a moment to explain that two weeks before, after church I passed by a Pier One, another store I really like (the merchandise but not the prices!).  I haven’t been to Pier One for a REALLY long time, so I thought I’d stop by and take it in (not buy anything) as I had time to kill.  As I pulled into the parking lot, I could hear Pastor Shawn’s words during the sermon “Flee Temptation.”   Oh, but really…I was going to leave my purse in the car and just look.  “FLEE TEMPTATION” came again.  So, I did a u-turn in the parking lot and drove away from temptation.

However, this day God had a different plan and purpose.

So back, to Crate and Barrel.  I asked if they minded if we went to Crate and Barrel real fast.  You have to realize though, I had NO reason to go in that store.  For those who’ve never been, C&B sells home stuff.  I have NO NEED for any of that stuff right now, nor anywhere to store it…much less money (again shampoo ranks higher).  However, I really sensed I should go.  As we walked toward the store, I remember a passing thought of “I wonder if they’ll have anything for a toaster oven."

The three of us went in the store, and walked around looking at a few items.  I remember asking if we could go to the back area of the store, but I really had no idea why.  All of a sudden, I had this idea that I should buy something for myself for Valentine’s Day (which by the way, I don’t even like V-day but that’s a whole different topic).  Not that I have to have something tangible to look at to know God loves me, but I wanted something I could look at and be reminded of God’s extreme love for me in a BIG way.  I wanted it to be practical.  My cousin laughed as I headed straight for the kitchen section!  Of course, because that is ME!  I picked out a small cutting board, one thing we could use in our room (cutting things in your hand is a little tricky!).  Just then, an employee walked by and I found myself asking if they had any dishes that could be used in a toaster oven.  I don't even know where the idea came from.  She took me to the porcelain dishes, and showed me a few that could work.  All of a sudden, she told me they also have a toaster oven set, and it’s on sale (bonus!).  We walked over to another area, and there it was – 

SWEET!!!!  It’s a Toaster Oven set with a cooling rack, cookie sheet, brownie cake pan, and cupcake pan (which was the decision maker for me because I love making cupcakes)!!!!

(Easter cupcakes I made last year.)

To top it off, it was on sale for a price I could manage!!  I was so excited!!!  I felt like I could run 10 miles, I was so happy!!  Now I can be more of who I am, who God created me to be!  I can now cook and bake!  I can have some sanity back for the next 7 months while still living at The Crossing! 

I realized I was able to sense the Lord’s leading in multiple ways, His provision in helping me be who He created me to be, and His love pouring out to me!  More than that, I now see, I just need to relax, trust God knows what I need and when, and He will direct…I just need to be ready and continue to walk in faith and obedience!

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