Saturday, March 5, 2011

"A-MAZING Retreat"

Sometimes living where you work can have some DEFINITE advantages.  The biggest advantage is being able to get to know the families (especially the children) in a different way.  There’s also the obvious ones of not having to get up as early, cuts down on the fuel budget, if you forget something you just run back down the hall, and of course not having to deal with traffic or weather issues!   There is also the community that comes with living with other interns, that otherwise we’d miss out on!  These are just a few advantages.

However, sometimes there are disadvantages to living where you work.  You might find us interns saying “I can’t go anywhere and be by myself.”  Or lately, you might find me wanting to change my name instantaneously because I don’t want to work or answer questions while I’m eating dinner with the families, or trying to use the computer after hours, or trying to get out the door to go somewhere.   My least favorite disadvantage is not being able to cook, or eat things I’d prefer.  Sometimes in fact, I look at salad and just feel sick of being offered salad every meal.  I also miss having a couch to sit on.  I have yet to find one in the entire building.

A few weeks ago, I hit a “spot.”  I started to feel trapped in my home, like I was in this box that was shrinking.  I missed cooking, baking/cooking for others, having a yard to mow, a house to clean, being able to rearrange furniture, or even having a couch to sit on.  While I was in this “spot,” I also was able to learn a lot, and question a lot about how God created me, the gifts He’s blessed me with, and how those can be used in both negative and positive ways.

And then…my friends J&J called to ask if I could house/fish sit for them!  They wanted to know if I wanted a little retreat for the weekend at their house.  Um, hello of course I do!!  Fantastic!  What’s interesting, they didn’t even know the struggles I was having of being in “the spot.”  What a blessing to see God’s love as He met me in the midst of my struggles through my good friends!

So, I went to their apartment two weekends ago, and had an A-MAZING time!   Here’s a recap:

Friday night I watched McCleod's Daughters ( while sitting on a couch.  I also baked muffins to take the next morning for the kiddos at work.  

Yes, I had to go to work Saturday morning, but it was only for 2 hours for Kids Rec!  What a joy to bake for others, and especially for my kids!  They enjoyed the muffins!

(The Bronco Youth Center @ The Crossing)

That afternoon I went grocery shopping...

(You can see a glimpse of the Turbo swimming in his bowl in this pic too!)

I went for a bike ride, with the added bonus of looking at the mountains...

It actually rained, and so I danced in it...

(Notice the wetness on the metal - YES that is from RAIN!  I miss the rain!)

I enjoyed making dinner of a yummy salad of things I really like and my own salad dressing...

Courtesy of my old roomie/good friend's wisdom, I enjoyed a great snack while watching movies...

My yummy breakfast (That I didn't have to wake up early for!)...

(Along with drinking from a mug & glass of two of my favorite places!)

Of course, I also read a lot...

I worked on knitting projects throughout the whole weekend...

Best of all, I enjoyed COMPLETE SILENCE!!!  

By the time my extended weekend (thanks to President's Day) was over, I was ready to go back to The Crossing, both to live and work. 

Thank you so much to my good friends J&J for the wonderful weekend retreat!  Words cannot express how much I am grateful for the time away at your place!  Thank you for helping make "The A-MAZING Retreat" possible! 

1 comment:

  1. love it! didn't know u picked up knitting :-) me too - crochet as well :-) some of my projects are on my photos on fb... gorgeous views, too! i want to visit co again...
