Sunday, March 13, 2011

My New Look!

I finally did something I’ve wanted to do for a long time!!!

My new look!

Yes, I pierced my nose! 

For some people this makes them excited, others it comes as a shock, there are those whom aren’t surprised, and for others I know they will not be happy with me.  There seems to be a question some people have (for whatever reason) – WHY?  Well, thanks for asking!  Please let me share!

My entire life, I have spent a lot of time, energy, and emotion into doing what others want, trying to live up to their expectations, or even living in fear of what others would think about me/say/etc.  It’s been just over a year of trying to break this habit or issue.  My heart desires to live my life according to what the Lord wants for me. It’s a journey, and one that days I feel I’ve made steps of progress, while others I’ll see how much of a battle it still is.

For some reason there has been a stereotype or judgment on girls who pierce their nose.  I was ready to break that, or maybe a better way is to say ready to bridge the gap.  I wanted to let people know that just because a girl has her nose pierced doesn’t mean she doesn’t love the Lord!

I also wanted it to be a remembrance to people (including myself) that there is so much more to a person than what we see on the outside, or even perceive to be on their inside.  So many people view me as “the innocent girl.”  Don’t get me wrong, there’s something good about being known as innocent.  However, I also feel there is more to me than just that.  I have a story…we all do.  However, do we take the time to get to know a person, to truly know a person…or do we just put them in the box of how we want them to be for us and leave it at that?  If we do get to know them, do we judge them by what they tell us or what they’ve done…or do we love them as Christ loves them and commands us to do as well? 

I realize some people reading this might think that if I really didn’t care what others thought, I wouldn’t be writing this.  In actuality, I wanted to answer the resounding “WHY” question and to share the journey God has me on.  It’s a journey, but one I will take with my nose now pierced and glad it is because…well I think it looks cute!

Here are some more pictures of the evening:

It didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would!

Yes, I kept my eyes closed the whole time!

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