Sunday, April 10, 2011


How often do I miss opportunities God wants to BLESS my socks off, all because I don't prayerfully ask the Lord?

Leaving a job that had good health insurance (benefits of working at a hospital) for an internship that has no health insurance, nor an income that would allow money in the budget to go to the doctor was a struggle of mine.  Over the past seven years, I racked up quite a large amount of medical bills.  As I struggled with this factor before even applying for the job (and even after), I knew the Lord was asking me to TRUST HIM.  It would require A STEP OF FAITH, and to watch GOD PROVIDE in ways I wouldn't even imagine.  I felt more like it was a LEAP of faith.  It's kind of like jumping off a cliff.  It involved risk. It involved me not having control, or knowing what the plan would be "just in case."

After being sick the past two and a half weeks, I realized how sick I really was.  While my voice was back somewhat (I lost it completely for two days), I could tell I wasn't getting any better.  I also was only sleeping about 3 hours a night because I was up coughing so much.  I knew something needed to be done.  BUT WHAT WAS I TO DO??  I had no idea where to find a doctor whom wouldn't mind I don't have health insurance, much less where to even start finding a doctor in the big city.  Of course, HOW was I going to pay for the doctor when my intern stipend is barely able to cover my fixed expenses?  I PRAYED AND PRAYED HARD and prayed for the Lord's help to not worry about the finances.  The Lord brought two people to me - one offering help financially and info on their doctor office and the other offering a doctor office who works on a sliding scale with people without health insurance.  I was ready to call both places...until...I sensed I needed to call my doctor office in my old town and see if there was anything they could do for me.  I didn't want to take advantage of anything, but knew I needed help and I needed to ask for help.  This is HARD for me to do!  I called the next morning and talked with the nurse.  After talking to the doctor, she called me to say while they suggest I find a doctor in the area for the future, they would call in a prescription for a ZPack!  PRAISE THE LORD!  I was so excited that I wouldn't have to pay to go to the doctor office, that was a huge financial help!  MIRACLE #1!!!

Of course, now I would have to pay for the prescription.  I reminded myself that at least I didn't have to pay for the doctor, so I could breathe a little!  I still struggled though.  I sensed the Lord telling me, "PRAY FOR A MIRACLE at the Target pharmacy."  My response?  I questioned - "Seriously, a miracle at the pharmacy?  It's not like Target runs prescription specials in their weekly ad."  "Pray for a miracle at the Target pharmacy."  However, I had no reason not to, so I did, while also wondering what kind of miracle would occur.  I prayed all afternoon!  I even posted on facebook that I was praying for a miracle at the Target Pharmacy!  I got to Target to pick up the prescription and was asked if I had health insurance.  I told him no and braced myself for what was to come, thinking it would be a high total of around $80 (I have a vague memory of paying that much for a ZPack before.).  The pharmacist told me to hold on a minute, he would put me in a financial program that would help save me at least a few pennies in my pocket.  Our conversation turned to an opportunity to share about my internship.  He came back to the counter with the new printout, and proceeded to tell me "It was $29.49 but after putting you in that program, the cost is now $14.30!  Um....wh-what???  I was so shocked!  After paying and turning around to leave, I had tears wanting to form in my eyes.  I can't tell you the LOVE OF THE LORD I felt in that moment...words still aren't found to describe what it was like.  I wanted to sit and cry in amazement, and just soak in the moment.  I also wanted to cry, knowing that in my hands I held a hope that I would soon be feeling better.  It's been a long road of feeling sick, having absolutely no energy, and yet trying my best to continue working and meeting all the needs with of job and even working over 40 hours each of the past two weeks.  I chose not to cry, though.  Besides having a work appointment I needed to get to and keep my composure for, I honestly also didn't have an ounce of energy to spend on crying.  I was just in complete shock that the final cost was something that somehow, in some way would be more manageable financially!  I was in shock, at the Lord's great work right there at the Target Pharmacy!  MIRACLE #2!!!

Do I realize how GREAT God really is?

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