Tuesday, October 4, 2011

One Year

Today marks one year of working for Denver Rescue Mission and Save Our Youth!  It's been quite the journey these past 365 days.  I remember the morning of day two, waking up and thinking one day down, only 364 days left.  At some point I stopped counting.  And then at some point, I started counting how many weeks left - knowing I had a year contract and not knowing what was going to happen at the end of the year with me or with the youth mentoring.

I want to thank the MANY people who have prayed, encouraged, supported, cared for, laughed, cried, listened, shared wisdom, walked beside me as I grew, were patient even when I didn't deserve it, forgave, loved, ... and probably many other things I can't even think of!  To those select people (you know who you are) that helped me and let me cry on the phone with them in the first three months - a very special thank you!

Here is my top ten list of highlights of my job:

10.  Being back in professional ministry
9.  Falling in love with my job, and finding myself wanting to (rightly) fight for the mentors, mentees, and the job position itself (even in the messy times).
8.  Learning all about boundaries - a MUST when you work AND live in the same place...though I still have a lot to learn!
7.  Learning to become my own advocate
6.  Watching the youth mentoring explode
5.  Being blessed with incredible mentors who love our at-risk (and sometimes difficult to love) kiddos!
4.  Being asked over and over and over - "Miss Sarah when am I going to get my mentor?"  All because these kids are EXCITED to have a mentor and WANT a positive influence in their life! And then I get to match them - all because God provided the exact mentor for them!!
3.  Having supervisors who are proactive at caring for you in preventing burnout
2.  Learning to live simply - required when you are living on an intern income and still have bills to pay!
1.  Meeting great people, especially my boyfriend (who also works for DRM)!! :)

It's not been the easiest, walk in the park, piece of cake year!  It has been a year of extreme growth in many ways!  I'm so thankful the Lord has brought me to Denver!  It was a huge step of faith, but one I'm glad I took!

I celebrated today with my Save Our Youth family by sharing donuts - thanking God for the wonderful blessing of my job, and the many blessings of lessons, friendships, and deeper faith in this one year!

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